On May 17, 2023, the Hassanamisco Nipmuc Band held a meeting with members of the Commission on Indian Affairs and Mashpee Wampanoag tribal member, Buddy Pocknett. The meeting was called to clarify our aboriginal rights within the Commonwealth of Massachusetts.
Critical information discussed during the meeting included:
- Nipmuc citizens can exercise their aboriginal rights freely. These rights include fishing, hunting, and foraging for the purpose of sustenance without the need to obtain a license from the local town or state. Sustenance in this situation is defined as the means to provide for oneself or ones family. This includes gathering food and plants both to eat and to sell to provide for family.
- Per a previous agreement with the Commonwealth of Massachusetts, tribal members must carry their TRIBAL ID when hunting, fishing, or foraging. If approached by the Environmental Police or local police, please identify yourself as a Nipmuc citizen and show your tribal ID so that the police can verify that you are Nipmuc.
- Nipmuc tribal members still need a license from the state to carry a gun.
Recording from the meeting
If you need urgent assistance
- MA Environmental Police (Nipmuc territory) – (508) 366-6537
- MA Commission on Indian Affairs – (617) 573-1291
- Contact your tribal council